Bulk Meat

To see what we currently have available in individual meat cuts, visit our Online Store page. But if you’re interested in having meat always on hand, right in your own freezer, at a discounted price, consider purchasing a whole or half share of beef or bulk up on fresh chicken during our processing dates! See info below!


  • $5.00/lb hanging weight for whole share (average whole share HW is 250 – 400lbs)
  • $5.50/lb hanging weight for half share

We offer beef from our 100% grass­fed and finished Dexter, Lowline Angus, and Irish Jerseys. Our cattle are on rotational pasture May-November (if Mother Nature allows!) and hay fed from our own fields the remainder of the year. These grass-fed cows have delicious meat and since these are small breeds with high carcass yields, studies have shown that their cuts are slightly smaller and have smaller striations in the muscles and thus are generally more tender compared to larger beef breeds. Smaller statured cattle also allow people to purchase a whole or half side of beef for less, but with a great variety of cuts, burgers, and roasts to take home. We sell our beef USDA inspected, and shares typically contain approximately 50% Steaks, 50% Ground/Roasts, but custom cutting is available to your specifications w/reservation (we are happy to go over the cut sheet w/you). Processing and packaging is included in the price.

Whole or Half shares available in Fall 2020. Call or email to reserve a Fall 2020 share. $100 deposit is required to reserve your share. Final weight determined at butcher.

Also sold in our farm store as individual cuts, burger, and roasts, year round, as available.


$4.75/lb fresh, certain weekends throughout the summer/fall, beginning in late June (10% discount for reservations of fresh chicken)

Call or email to reserve yours or to find out our next processing date.

Offered frozen from the farm store the remainder of the year as available.

Broilers at Courser Meadows are raised on pasture and fed 100% certified organic feed. Since they have room to move around and are allowed to browse on a diverse diet of grasses, seeds, and insects they have great flavor! As with all our animals, we strive to raise them in a humane and stress-free environment. Broilers range from 3-6lbs and are available fresh 3 or 4 times from June until October.